The Official Scrabble Dictionaries and The Scrabble Word Building Books
If you're using the Scrabble Dictionary of 1991 or the 1978 original edition, you're woefully behind the Scrabble-playing times. With more than 100,000 2- to 8-letter words, there are some interesting additions ("aargh," "aarrgh," and "aarrghh" are all legitimate now), while words they consider offensive are no longer kosher. Why subscribe to the Scrabble dictionary's changeable lexicon? Well, it ends the argument of whose dictionary to use, but the main reason is that it's the winner's dictionary, and why play Scrabble if not to win? Memorize those 2- and 3-letter words, and your Scrabble game becomes lethal. Ingram, A newly revised and updated edition of the book that millions of Scrabble players call their bible. Authorized by the makers of Scrabble Brand crossword games and endorsed by the National Scrabble Association for recreational and school use.